Silence, Calm and Trust

Rest more with me. If I, the Son of God, needed those times of quiet communion with my Father, away alone, from noise, from activity, then surely you need them too.

Refilling with the Spirit is a need that dwelling apart, that shutting yourself away in the very secret place of your being – away alone with me.

From these times you come forth in power to bless and heal.

Calm – not Speed

In quietness and in confidence shall your strength. All agitation is destructive of Gods. All calm is constructive of good and at the same time destructive of evil. (HH sinned, remember we are not God).

When man wants evil destroyed so often he rushed to action. It is wrong. First be still to know that I am God. Then act only as I tell you. Always calm with God. Calm is trust in action. Only trust, pure trust can keep one calm. Never be afraid of any circumstance or difficult that helps you to cultivate the calm. As the world, to attain, has to learn speed, you to attain have to learn calm. All great work for Me is done first in the individual soul of the worker.

Accept Trials

Trials and troubles may seem to overwhelm you. They can't do more that work my Will. And that will you have said is your Will.

Do you not see that you cannot be destroyed? From now a new life is opening out before you. Yours to enter into the Kingdom, I have prepared for you.

The sunlight of my presence is on your paths. Trust and go forward unafraid. My grace is sufficient for all your needs.

Upper Household


with tonio, Ferdie, bhel, tito art & tita millie


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