Isang taon na po kami!

Bilang servant-leaders ng chapter 1!

During our dinner, we shared our own stories on how we were called a year ago…

Both of us were hesitant, afraid… but chose to be faithful.

Now, it’s a very different story. I cannot imagine myself if I did not say yes.

With God’s mercy and grace, I can humbly say that we had survived many trials, rejections, pains and sorrows and still getting stronger to fight for the call and faith.

I will always be thankful to the One great reason that keeps us stronger, to God, that has always been there guiding us to each step we take.

I thank the Lord for the victory that growing brings. In surrender of everything, our life is so worth while. That when everything's put in place, out in front I can see His face, and it's there I feel I belong.

November 9, 2007

12 months are over…and we both look forward for more months together. I look to see the beauty of these days; I'm deeply filled with gratitude.

i dont know why im writing this (i sound weird, heheh)…


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