Love is Sweeter and Lovelier the Second Time Around

Love is Sweeter and Lovelier the Second Time Around

By Gracie Entereso

April 2, 2009

Is really love sweeter and lovelier the second time around? That was what running through my head yesterday afternoon after a long and funny exchange of love quotes I had with some SFC sisters.

This morning, I asked God to allow me get to know Him again. To start over. To see Him revealed to me, personally and intimately.

But I also asked myself - what are the things that separate me away from my God? I found one answer – sin. We all have our favourite, recurring sins that make a way of creeping and stealing us back from Him. We thought that we were strong and brave enough, but carelessly and stubborn we fell into the same traps over and over again, everyday.

But because of His unconditional and greatest love for us, He provides means for us to renew and repair our relationship with Him. One of them is Confession. We knelt down and the priest listened to us. Pouring out how and when we hurt Jesus, unchaining our tears as well.

Then, after the confession, our life is all about Decision. We only have to decide - like deciding to get up from bed, what clothes to wear, to forgive or not, to smile or frown, to worry or to let go. We have to choose Life. Choose to Live. Choose Appreciation. Choose Peace. Choose Love. Choose Jesus. And looking back, some choices we made drove us away from Him.

Today is a day full of bright choices. I am thankful for having been reconciled again with my Creator – who loves me more than I love Him and who provides me Love so I could give it away. I can do all things now, as He strengthens me. Indeed, love is sweeter and lovelier the second time around =)


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