Just because...

...someone doesn’t love you the way you want them to doesn’t mean they don’t love you with all they have.

This quote annoys me to no end. Girls, don’t believe this nonsense. Because if a guy loves you, really truly loves you, then nothings going to stop him from showing/telling you how much he loves you.

If they’re not pursuing you, calling you, spending time with you or willing to make a commitment… they’re simply not that interested. Don’t let them use lame quotes like the one above to string you along.

Girls, you are beautiful and you all deserve someone who will love you unconditionally. You need a boy man who will cherish you and respect you enough not to play mind games and always keep you guessing.

So… if you have a guy in your life who’s on the fence, one who wants all the benefits of being with you but doesn’t want to offer any commitments, one who constantly leaves you guessing… MOVE ON!!!

The right guy is out there. I promise he is. And he isn’t going to come along until you let the wrong one go.

- Olive


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