Its 1:36am, I know. But need to write this down...

God is...
Great in His Goodness - He is the same yesterday, today, and tomorrow.
Great in His Grace - God's grace is demonstrated by giving us what we do not deserve.
Great in His Gift - 'bestest' Gift is Jesus Christ

Why is God so great? Because He saw you and me in our sin.
Yet, His LOVE remains.
His MERCY is everlasting.
His GRACE is free.

I pray not to miss the joy of being GRATEFUL for His Greatness.
I should be grateful for my successes or failures, happiness or distress, victory or defeat, heat or cold, pleasure or pain. In all these situations,  may I see the hand of God and be connected with His greater plans.
A GRATEFUL and GRACEFUL heart calms fears and focuses to the greatness of God

To share His GRACE out of Gratitude.

Am gripped ... Am grateful... Am graced... by the Greatness of God.


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