It was November 2006 when I had a Corneal Ulcer (or infectious keratitis) on my right eye. A corneal infection occurs when bacteria are able to gain entry to the cornea through a scratch in the corneal surface. The scratch was caused by the contact lenses, which led me to light sensitivity and blurry vision. I was confined in Dubai Hospital for 11 days and been under treatment for almost six months.

I’ve consulted different doctors in Dubai and even in the Philippines and the same analyses were given: I need to have a corneal transplant within 6 months, or else my left eye will also be affected which can cause me to have Diplopia, commonly known as double vision, in Tagalog ‘duling’. Until in March 2007 when my eye specialist delivered the very challenging news, she sadly informed me that my eyesight will no longer be revived. She said my case was hopeless.

I was so devastated. So insecured. So scared. Hopeless case? That was a big OUCH!
I cried. I questioned. Somehow, I let doubt or discouragement ruled over me. But beyond that, somewhere in my heart, I found trust.
There was a point where I was so tempted to go back in the Philippines and schedule for a corneal transplant. But there were so many questions running in my minds. Until one day, a dear friend told me, ‘Remember the SFC theme for 2007? It’s HOPE, its putting your hope in the Lord. It was just a doctor who said na wala kang Hope, but God says HE is your Hope.’

After hearing those words, I was so embarrassed. She is so right, why do I doubt if I have my God whom I could entrust everything.

When I was finding hope, I found it in the light of God’s love through the blessings of people and SFC community. All throughout the struggle period, God has surrounded me with amazing and inspiring people who have supported me with their encouragement, faith and love. There is one instrument that gave me healing - that is prayer, most especially the prayers of my friends and family. This is the power of intercessory prayer. I am enormously thankful and blessed by true friends and so many new ones.

Now, here I am with 40% eye sight on my right eye, sensitive to light, I miss swimming (I am not allowed to). But I am still capable to see and appreciate the beautiful creations of God, I was able to go to Kenya for a mission, I was able to attend ILC and Gawad Kalinga Immersion, I can still drive day in and day out and still living practically a normal life. Truly, God’s love is a love that heals. I allowed God's love to give me hope in times of grief. God had healed so much of my physical and emotional pains and I could imagine the depths of my own experiences.

My eye defect always reminds me that I must trust God, that He has all things in control and better plans for my life. People worry because we forget who is in control. If we know that ALL things work together for good because God is in control we will lay our predicaments at His feet and ask Him to intervene.

I got to understand what True Hope is all about. That Hope comes from only one source, our True God. And we are reminded to always put our hopes in Him, for we are His People. The Lord is always here for me. Jesus never promised us an easy path but He did promise that He would never leave us. And yes! His promises are true. He is with me through every crisis and He is my aid in times of difficulty.
This is what God had prepared me for.
Indeed Jesus, you’re a great healer!
Jesus, you’re such a rockstar!

When I am blind … God is my eyes
When I am weak … God is my strength
When I am lost … God is my light
When I give up … God is my hope


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