AUH-DXB road accident
March 11, 2008
Traffic police officer at the crash site said: "The crash happened because everyone was speeding despite the severe weather conditions. Drivers weren't leaving a safe distance between cars and this resulted in everyone hitting each other after the first crash."
Timeline: Alert came at 6.39am
Accident reported at 6.39am
Vehicles involved :60
Vehicles burnt :25
Buses involved: 12
Dead: 3
Injured: 347
Serious injuries: 15
Moderate injuries: 39
Minor injuries: 293
Rescue operation lasted four hours.
Road closed for five hours.
Diverted flights: 27

Source: Gulf News
March 11, 2008
Traffic police officer at the crash site said: "The crash happened because everyone was speeding despite the severe weather conditions. Drivers weren't leaving a safe distance between cars and this resulted in everyone hitting each other after the first crash."
Timeline: Alert came at 6.39am
Accident reported at 6.39am
Vehicles involved :60
Vehicles burnt :25
Buses involved: 12
Dead: 3
Injured: 347
Serious injuries: 15
Moderate injuries: 39
Minor injuries: 293
Rescue operation lasted four hours.
Road closed for five hours.
Diverted flights: 27

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