'still' for kenya

I was browsing Multiply site a while ago and saw this picture from Ate Cielo Escalona’s account. Ate Cielo is one of those amazing and inspiring full time missionaries who I’ve met in Kenya.

This picture was taken during their New Year’s eve celebration…

Looking at the picture brings back great and meaningful memories of my 9-day mission...
Seeing the happy faces heightens my admiration to all CFC-SFC full time workers assigned in and outside the Philippines…
Staring at the food presented on the table reminds me of humility and simplicity of life…makes me miss ugali and goat… =)
Seeing these God-sent people who have loved God and His people makes me appreciate our friendship and my SFC service… they are really my source of inspiration!

Indeed, their lives are filled with inner PEACE—though there was no external of peace brought by the tribal war in Kenya, but the interior peace of mind which enables them as Christian to rise above the trials and tribulations of their country's situations… this is the result of having God in one's life...

Now, its 11:50 pm…and I am crying…
Tears of joy and gratefulness to experience life in Kenya…
...of sympathy for Kenya – the country I have loved and have changed my life.

I am still wishing on the stars…
I am still praying…
For the country…
For the people…
in Kenya!

My prayer for Africa.

Dear Father, I faithfully pray for Africa – a place you’ve used to open my heart and soul.
I pray for all Africans. Wash away their fears, dry their tears.
Bestow courage in their minds, bring hope into their hearts, grant them good health and embrace their lives, continue to provide them food and water for their physical nourishment.
Renew their land, restore their optimism. Bring peace to their countries. Lord God, mend your continent of Africa.
I believe that Your love and our faith come together, it is your will for all humanity to have an abundant life and our lives of faithful service will join hands. Amen.



  1. You are God's gift to Africa! Reading your entry makes our life as a missionary in Africa an affirmation of His work and love for the African continent.

    I bow and pray that the Lord will continue to raise up ambassadors of faith, hope and LOVE through those who have set foot in Africa and continues to bring God's love to all peoples of the world.

    We love you.


  2. I am blessed to be one of the missionaries in Kenya.

    God is so alive.
    May God be praised!


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