*burp, excuse me... stuffed by God's love!
One of the best gifts we can give ourselves is time alone with God. ☀
Every scar in my heart represents the love I have given away... Without askin somethin in return ☀
Our only business is to love and attract love ♥
You know what's great thing about living a life for God? I am always given a choice to be beautiful for Him. ☺
Jesus was already sending encouragement via a care package even before I asked. He is so good!
I want to thank you, Lord, for life and all that’s in it. Thank you for the day and for the hour, and the minute.
May our heart a reflection of God's own heart. ♥☀
Faith is knowing that God is blessing us with the people who are meant for us.
While reviewing, I realized dat LOVE makes us beautiful if we r willing 2 give love & allowin ourselves 2 be loved. Let's love and be loved!
I prayed as if I haven't prayed for such a long time. God's compassion is abundant. ☂
Mary walks wid us 2 follow in d footsteps of Jesus & helps us to take up r cross daily & 2 say “Yes” 2 God in ol d joys&sorrows of r lives.
God wants for me to be most fully who God created me to be, and God will help me to find and fulfill that longing - that's love.
Our vocation is to LoVe and give service to LoVe ♥☺☀
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