Prayer for Empowerment (for Leaders)
Thank you, Lord, for this beautiful day when you call each and everyone of us to a renewed commitment in our service to You.
Thank you for making us realize that in order for us to move on, to be closer to you, we can no longer fence-sit and procrastinate on major decisions that affect our lives.
Help us, Lord, make a decision to LOVE - to give love without reserve; to offer love even when aggrieved; to love without expecting to be loved in return.
Help us, Lord, make a decision to be HAPPY - to take joy in our lives no matter what crosses we carry; to be happy without envious reserve in others' good fortune; to be simply fulfilled in the fact that we have You.
Help us, Lord, make a decision to EXCEL - whether in our relationships, in our career or in our service - wherever You call us to serve. Help us to offer the best of our time, the best of our talent, and the best of our treasure knowing that all of these are yours, now and forever, even before You gifted us with them.
Lord, we come before Your Holy Presence today to ask your empowerment knowing that it is You who love, You who give, and You who bless.
May your empowerment bring PEACE to our lives, the kind that comes from taking risks of loving.
May it bring us HAPPINESS, the kind that comes from just knowing, loving, and serving You.
May bring us CONTENTMENT, the kind that comes from surrendering all that we are, for all that You want us to be.
All these we pray O Father in the Mightly name of Your Son Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with the You and the Holy Spirit.
Thank you for making us realize that in order for us to move on, to be closer to you, we can no longer fence-sit and procrastinate on major decisions that affect our lives.
Help us, Lord, make a decision to LOVE - to give love without reserve; to offer love even when aggrieved; to love without expecting to be loved in return.
Help us, Lord, make a decision to be HAPPY - to take joy in our lives no matter what crosses we carry; to be happy without envious reserve in others' good fortune; to be simply fulfilled in the fact that we have You.
Help us, Lord, make a decision to EXCEL - whether in our relationships, in our career or in our service - wherever You call us to serve. Help us to offer the best of our time, the best of our talent, and the best of our treasure knowing that all of these are yours, now and forever, even before You gifted us with them.
Lord, we come before Your Holy Presence today to ask your empowerment knowing that it is You who love, You who give, and You who bless.
May your empowerment bring PEACE to our lives, the kind that comes from taking risks of loving.
May it bring us HAPPINESS, the kind that comes from just knowing, loving, and serving You.
May bring us CONTENTMENT, the kind that comes from surrendering all that we are, for all that You want us to be.
All these we pray O Father in the Mightly name of Your Son Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with the You and the Holy Spirit.
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