The Weeknights that Were

(August 18 -24)

Saturday: Bhong and Cecille’s party at KFC
Sunday: the supposed-to-be packing night at Julios’ place but happened to be ASAP night (nang-okray ng mga artista!) with Julios, Blanca, Carol, Magz, Raymond, Glen, Ferdie and Ben
Monday: stayed at home, sent Junior for carwash…dinner with Jojo (had spicy spag!)
Tuesday: stayed at home
Wednesday: Packing night at Julios’ place with SFC bro and sis
Thursday: attended MJ’s kiddie party at Reef Mall
Friday: OWWA Outreach (wait for more updates soon of my whereabouts on the day I turned 28) =)

- ASAP night -

- packing night -


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