Open Letter to my Child

My dearest Baby A,

As I type this, you are 6 weeks in my womb. My heart is filled with gratefulness and love. I have so many things I want to tell you… Let me start by sharing with you what happened the day we knew about you. 

My monthly period is always on the dot. I actually saw some brown spots on the day I was supposed to get my regular menses. The weird thing was that no blood came on that day, and neither on the following day. Spotting is a sign that you have implanted yourself into my uterine wall – your home for 9 months – and that’s good! Then I started to suspect that maybe I have you. So I began asking your dear Titas and Ninangs and searching online for the most common symptoms of early pregnancy. I also experienced PMS-like symptoms, but a little more exaggerated, like cramping, mood swings (sorry Daddy!), fatigue, sleepiness and increased appetite. I also can’t believe it was pregnancy because I might have produced them psychologically in my desire to have you. 

To be sure that my HCG or human chorionic gonadotropin levels are high enough to manifest in the pregnancy test, we did the test after a week of delay. But one test wasn’t enough. We tested again the next morning, this time we had 2 home pregnancy tests already. Many articles also say to do it first thing in the morning upon waking up, so the concentration is high. And we did that, too. The “two distinct lines,” appeared in just few seconds, which means…I am positive!

Your Daddy and I found out about you on Valentine’s Day – the day of love. While most people are celebrating the gift of love, we were quietly celebrating the gift of You – our Love and Life. You made yourself felt on the day of love. Such a blessing! We couldn’t believe it. I mean… isn’t it is always a great wonder, a beautiful puzzle, an awesome mystery, how I can carry God’s miracles inside me?! What a privilege! Indeed, an answered prayer!

We have a long way to go- imagine this to be a total of 40 weeks. But come to think of it, we are already over our first month together. Time flies so fast. Your Daddy and I have to make some happy adjustments for your coming… and we are loving it.

So far, no cravings & morning sickness yet. Just exceptionally hungry at odd hours, always peeing and always always sleepy. I believe you have the same appetite as your Daddy. LOL! 

God, our perfect Creator is generous and gracious. He knows what He is doing even at times when your Daddy and I were clueless. We’ve never been parents before, but God is the greatest parent of all. I know He will be with us every step of the way, and that is more than enough assurance in the midst of your biological parents’ imperfections. This is how I know each child is special to the Lord.

Anak, Daddy and Mommy are learning a lot from this. One thing I want to assure you is that you are loved by many. Our little family is blessed to have prayer partners and warriors standing firmly in faith with us. When God answers our prayers of having you, many have been blessed, many are rejoicing with us, and many are praising the Name of the Lord.

happy 6th week - we now believe that love is blind because we have started to love you before we even see you.

We are requesting our family and friends to continue praying for us as we walk through the next few months all the way to delivery! Requesting for safe and easy pregnancy, as well as safe, easy, normal delivery.

Hold on there, Baba A. We will see you in the lovely month of October. 

Hugs & kisses,
Mommy G


  1. ola! Congratulations! ^^, we are praying for your healthy and safe journey to mommyhood!
    I nominated your blog if you have time you can click the link and join other bloggers too!



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