Treasuring Things in Her Heart - A Mother's Day Reflection

This Mothers' Day, we turn our hearts to Mary, the Mother of God, the Mother of Jesus and Mother of us all. With a mother's care she raised her Son and lived the joys and the grief that only a mother's heart can know. Whatever our spirits on this Mothers' Day, the Mother of Jesus embraces us all.
Luke 2: 16-20, 49-51
So they hurried off and found Mary and Joseph, and the baby, who was lying in the manger. When they had seen him, they spread the word concerning what had been told them about this child, and all who heard it were amazed at what the shepherds said to them. But Mary treasured up all these things and pondered them in her heart…

“Why were you searching for me?” he asked. “Didn’t you know I had to be in my Father’s house?” But they did not understand what he was saying to them.

Then he went down to Nazareth with them and was obedient to them. But his mother treasured all these things in her heart. Mary was also one to “treasure things in her heart.”



My Nanay, Flesinda Entereso, is one of the greatest gifts that God has gifted me with. I am in awe how the Lord has designed my life to have a Nanay like her. Unbelievable woman! 

Whatever I am today, whatever I have achieved...I owe to my mom. She has taught me well.

She has taught me the importance of education. From kinder to college, Nanay was my tutor, the type who would never give up until I fully understand the subject and predicate, addition and subtraction to be discussed the next day, every detail so that I can score high in recitation. Well, guess what? I was a consistent honor student in school. I know deep in my heart that without Nanay's dedication and knowledge, I wouldn’t have succeeded that much.

She has taught me the importance of family. Nanay devoted herself to our family.  It is a common occurrence for us to arrive home to the delicious home-cooked  meals (not to mention her bestest laing).  She has sacrificed many things, always behind the scenes, who leads by example and puts others before herself, who forgives when others cause her pain.

I know it’s also a pool of learning gathered from her past experiences, but without a Nanay guiding me as I go through life, my paths would have been different. I will not deny it, there were times when I'd listen to my Nanay and do the exact opposite. I tell you, I have learned my lessons ever since. *winks


I am sure if you ask my Nanay, she would say that I am the most beautiful lady, brightest star and bestest daughter in the whole wide world. And if given a choice, she would rather keep me and be her baby forever. My Nanay has learned to make the best out of every moment we can spend with each other these days, just like the old times. That instead of complaining about having only this much, my Nanay has found the grace in simply “treasuring things in her heart.”

I have found it, too. I have treasured those moments. After all those years of wanting to live my life on my own, I finally learned to treasure countless perfect and miracle moments not only with her and Tatay, but with everyone around me.
Dear Lord, today, I pray that ALL of us will have large treasure chest in our hearts. Storing up all the times we can have with our loving mommy, mama, nanay, ina, inay, mother.

I pray we can all serve and love our Nanay unconditionally… to make good treasure chests for us, so when the time comes to pursue what the Father has prepared, we won’t have any regrets but only treasure upon treasure upon treasure.
Most of all, dear Lord, thank you for blessing me with a mother who introduced me to You when I was old enough to talk. For without You, I’d be lost and certainly wouldn’t appreciate the mother you gave me.
My heart goes out to women who want very much to be mothers but who, for any number of reasons, are unable to bear a child. Let's keep a place in our prayer for women who long for a child with all their heart and soul...

Today, I thank all the women who have been part and inspired me to become who I am now. My household leaders, my girlfriends, my Titas, my cousins and to other people who have been my spiritual mothers too.

Happy Mother’s Day Nanay. I couldn’t ask for a better mom. You are a perfect gift, God–sent. I love and treasure you, Cindy!



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