August 24, 2012

Thanking God for giving me another beautiful year of life and for all the people who remembered me on my special day by their birthday greetings, cute cards, surprise calls and MOB dance, inspiring letters, gifts, flowers, sweet cakes and prayers.

I am genuinely grateful for all the joy-filled experiences of this past year which I consider as my most victorious year. For moments of success which will always be happy memories, for times of challenges which reminded me of my own weakness and of my need for Him, for times of grace when God's comfort is felt and for times of sadness which led me closer to the Lord.

My birthday is a perfect reminder of the countless reasons how loved, blessed and graced I am for living a GRACEful life.

And for all who can read/ see this post… THANK you for joining me in journey and rejoicing with me!


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