Having One of Those Days?

I certainly have... in fact, I had one of those days (nights) last night.

Nothing dramatic has happened naman
Except that I have had to attend to too many things in one night.
Actually, as far as I am concerned, they were not part of my original Tuesday night plans…

Just typically one or more bad things happen simultaneously (and surprisingly)…

Original plan:
To attend the MEC empowerment after office bringing the CD Chant with me

What had happened?
out of ofc
home waited for the files
Flying Colours
Another printing company in Sheikh Zayed
…and various phone calls in between…

Windang Moments:
A brother asked me to arrange tickets of two brothers (and they’re travelling today!)
The travel agency cannot issue tickets
I forgot my credit card pin code
I forgot that I saved all my pin codes in a secret place that I carry everyday
The server of the bank was offline
My mobile was low batt
My mobile charger was not working
My car was running out of fuel
I was so hungry
Flying Colours (printing co.) was closed

But these things do happen especially when you are DOING His works!

Kanina, while driving to get the tickets…
I wondered if Jesus ever had one of those "I wish I could do what I want" days.
I wondered if someone was looking at the sunshine as I was doing
…and thought, "I wish I could do what I want instead of what I must."

Lord, Jesus, as I do what I must, remind me of the joy I have in what I do because, most of the time, it is also what I want to do.
Thank you for the calling and the necessary service you have given me. And thank You for sending people as your instruments to help me go through each day. May I be a blessing to them as well. Amen.


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