"Yes, Lord – Send Me!"
By Gracie Entereso
SFC Dubai Cluster
United Arab Emirates
I, together with other UAE delegates left Dubai International Airport on 26 September, spent almost 5 hours on the plane and when we landed, we were already on the different continent of the world. And for the second time around, I had the privilege to set foot in Kenya and experience God’s amazing love.

Upon arriving at the mission house in Kileleshwa, Nairobi, everyone seemed to be pulsating with excitement in meeting the SFC fulltime missionaries and other African trail delegates whom we would be sharing our lives with even if yet, we had no idea how moving and fulfilling this mission would be.
The African Trail 2008 was divided into three areas. Middle East team was divided into two mission areas in Kenya- Mombasa and Voi. Each area was headed by a fulltime missionary worker based in Kenya. On the evening of our arrival, 8 out of 17 African Trail delegates left for Mombasa. Still tired but excited, the team led by Bro Eman, together with four unit leaders from SFC Kenya, boarded the Coast bus for the 8-hour trip. We prepared ourselves for a bumpy and dusty ride to the coast area of the country. The same evening the delegate from USA, Bro Ronnie and the Philippines, Bro VJ, left for Kampala in Uganda, another African country, with Bro Manu as their head. The rest of the ME mission team were sent off to Voi, also a province in the coast area, 6 hours away from Nairobi. Voi team was led by Bro Caloy.
Mombasa Team: Jojo, Grace, Lorna, Gracie, Cris, Leizl, Ging, Tina and Eman (FTW)

Voi Team: Romy, Honey, Carol Jeanette, Rai, Misty, Mark and Caloy (FTW)

Within the 5-day trail in Mombasa, the team was able to conduct a CLP for 2 days wherein we had eighteen new Singles for Christ who graduated at the Kongowea parish. The Mombasa team was able to provide a Campus-based evangelization in two universities: Mombasa Polytechnic University College and Shangzu Teachers College. Also, Bro Eman and I were invited to attend the morning gathering of the parishioners in the Holy Ghost Cathedral where we introduced CFC and SFC to them and explained the purpose of the African Trails. The Mombasa team administered a Worship Workshop to some Singles for Christ in Kongowea parish.
One of the most memorable and touching moments I had in Mombasa was during our Christian Life Program Baptism in Kongowea. Bro Eman, our team leader, asked me to give a fast track talk for CLP Talks 1-5 to two of the CLP participants: Solo and Godfrey. When I was about to end my talk, I asked both of them, “How is your prayer time?” Solo replied, “Since you came 5 days ago, that’s the only time I started to pray for myself and my family. Never forget I am one life that was changed for the better because you came to Kongowea." Then, I started to cry. It was so overwhelming to know that this mission is victorious mainly because we are assured that one soul has been converted. I thank God for using us to be His instruments in transforming the hearts and souls of His people. I pray that the seeds we planted will reap a harvest that will remain long after we leave Kongowea.
with Solo and Godfrey
After the trail, Mombasa team returned to the capital city of Nairobi for the 1st Africa Conference wherein the African Trail delegates from Mombasa, Voi and Kampala and some Singles for Christ in Africa finally met. The first ever conference was a joyous and victorious occasion. The first night of the conference was the African Night, wherein we were able to party all night long and had a clean fun with our brethrens. At first, I was inhibited to dance but I did not want to miss this once-in-a-lifetime experience of dancing with them. So I let the African rhythm bring rest to my heart and allowed my feet to dance with the tune. And after few hours, I found myself not wanting to let the night end.

- dancing moment with Manu -

It was an awesome 10 days for me and a tremendous blessing from the people I’ve met along the trail and the conference. Christ was indeed glorified. Personally, it has been one of the most challenging, rewarding and life-changing moments of my life. I know with certainty that God has called us to be faithful in serving His people. Even though we have sometimes felt we are not "spiritual enough and prepared" to be missionaries, and have battled feelings of discouragement and harassments, I have also learned the importance of being faithful to follow Him and to do the work He has called us to do. I have seen His miracles of provision, His healing touch and His power to transform hearts. Indeed, He sent me to the place He has long prepared for me.
The African Trail experience made me realize those times that seem our impact is almost imperceptible, like rain drop in a vast ocean. While the impact is uncertain to me, I am confident that God has called me to be faithful in my service, by simply following Him. I am convinced that when I said "Yes, God send me," I discovered His plan is astonishing because He then began the process of changing me. How grateful I am for these two consecutive years of joining hands with God to serve in Kenya. It hasn't been without many frustrations as we have had to adjust to many cultural differences, but through it I have learned lessons that God is trying to teach me about being grateful and patient, learning and listening -- relationship building rather than accomplishing our goals.
Indeed, God's joy in following Him is greater than the challenges I face in my own personal journey. God has stretched my patience, reinforced my values, purified my thoughts, rewarded my perseverance and through the process created changes in me. Little did I know that I WAS the mission field God had in mind when I said, "Yes, Lord – send me!"
Message to SFC Kenya:

We come from different backgrounds and different walks of life, but God placed us together for such a time as this to serve Him as ONE. I thank God for all of you. I remember you often in my prayers. I greatly appreciate the love and acceptance you’ve given me and the whole team. In answer to my many prayers, closed eyes and hearts have been opened, paths have been redirected towards Him and lives have been changed. I pray that all of you will continue to search for the treasures in God's Words and that your lives will be transformed by His Divine power. For every life we have touched for the Lord and strengthened spiritually, I want to say "thank you" for your faithfulness and perseverance to stand with us as we serve in Kenya. I thank God for making our days filled with hope and happiness and rewarding us with many opportunities to love and be loved by all of you. We left with memories that will not soon be forgotten and hearts full of joy and anticipation for the surprising ways God will blow us away in the future.
Message to the African Trail Delegates

We are a group of singles, a pool with different personalities and expectations that came from different parts of the world that became a family in Christ over these ten meaningful days. My heart is full of thanksgiving as I think about each one of you and how you are making it possible for us to carry out our commitment of service to our brethrens in Kenya. Thank you for your friendship and partnership for Christ. Through this short time of mission, we unknowingly became a family and by the end of the mission we could tell that there was something keeping us all knit together, no matter how far apart we are now. I was filled with a great sense of gratefulness to the Lord for allowing me to again participate in His work in Africa with all of you. I thank and praise God because of you.
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